Clarification Text regarding the security cameras in
This clarification text has been prepared by TURMALİN OTELCİLİK VE TURİZM SANAYİ TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ as the data controller within the scope of the Article 10 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data numbered 6698 (“the Law”) and Communique concerning the Procedures and Principles for fulfilling Responsibilities on Clarification for the purpose of enlightening the data owners regarding the procedures and principles of personnel data processing through the closed-circuit security camera systems around and inside the SIGNATURE GARDEN AVANOS HOTEL & SPA building at CUMHURİYET MAH. 520 SK. NO: 4 AVANOS / NEVŞEHİR.
Image recording is performed via 30 security cameras on the entrance doors, exterior, in guest restaurant, guest waiting rooms and lounges, parking lot, floor corridors and reception service area in our service building and for the security of the building to be provided and recording is audited by the Management and Technical unit by using a closed-circuit camera recording system. The personal data concerned is automatically processed based on the legal grounds that “it is obligatory for the data controller to fulfill his/her legal responsibility” and that “processing data is obligatory for the legitimate interests of the data controller on condition that fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual concerned are not violated.” according to the Article 5 of the Law. The personal data concerned can be shared by the legal authorities and relevant law enforcement in case of the settlement of legal disputes or demand required by the applicable legislation.
The company will keep your personal data for as long as required by the above-mentioned processing purposes. You can send your requests within the scope of the Article 11 of the Law regulating the rights of the data owner to our e-mail address writing “Information Request within the scope of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data” in the subject part of the e-mail and using the Data Owner Application Form available at internet address. You can send it via e-mail after signing the form with the “secure electronic signature” according to the Electronic Signature Law numbered 5070 or to the address ÇAT BELDESİ CUMHURİYET MAH. 50.YIL SK. NO: 3 MERKEZ / NEVŞEHİR by writing “Information Request within the scope of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data,” originally signed personally, by posting or through notary.
You can access our Personal Data Protection, Processing, Storage and Disposal Policy on for the detailed information about the processes mentioned within the scope of this clarification text.